Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cross Country( XC)?
Cross Country simply means a run not on the track - on grass courses/fields and hopefully mud to make it more fun.
What is the difference between Cross Country and Road?
As above, cross country is run on grass - road is run on roads and footpaths.
What footwear do I need?
For cross country athletes can run in barefeet, shoes or running spikes (we have not had confirmation for the 2019 season which age groups may wear spikes for GP races). Shoes are recommended for road races.
Do we need lots of pairs of shoes?
No, one pair of training shoes should be adequate but you will need to clean and dry them after races
What happens if it rains?
Cross country and road events continue come rain or shine! Remember to bring a complete change of clothes (including underwear), a towel and raincoats and jumpers for before and after the race. Gumboots are recommended for spectators.
What should I wear?
All athletes must wear PAC uniform – club singlet and plain black or navy shorts. In colder weather you can wear a white, black or navy top underneath your singlet. You can be disqualified from an event for wearing incorrect uniform.
The age groups are confusing – why is my 7 year old running in U10?
The age groups are based on the child’s age at 31 December the year of competition. Therefore a child may be 7 on race day but turns 8 later in the year so they are too old for the U8 age group
How far do I run?
Refer to the ages and distances chart on the website for the club course with is closely aligned to the distances for national events. Grand Prix and relay distances will vary and will be available prior to entry.
Is there always a run at the club on saturdays?
There is an event every Saturday through the season. Competitive races are held throughout Auckland – if there is an external event there may not be an additional event at the cub- check newsletters and website.
What time is the run on Saturday?
The race starts at 2.30pm – please arrive in plenty of time to register, orientate to the course and warm up. External events will be a similar time – please check details when entering.
What happens after the run?
Join us in the clubrooms for spot prizes and general notices. The bar will be open and hot chips for sale.
Do I need to come every week?
It is up to you how many or how few runs and training sessions you attend. We understand many children are involved in other winter sports and we encourage this diversity at a young age.
What is the Grand Prix?
The Grand Prix is a series of 6 events run by Athletics Auckland. There are 5 cross country races and 1 road race. These events include the Auckland Championships and Team Championships. Athletes get points for each event with their top 5 results combined for the series. All Grand Prix awards and prizes are given at the Athletics Auckland end of season prizegiving.
Am I fast enough to enter the Grand Prix?
We encourage runners of all abilities aged 7+ to enter the Grand Prix series. These events are well run with clearly marked courses. If you are unsure speak to a committee member.
Can I run with my child?
Yes – younger children may need /enjoy having an adult or older sibling run with them especially for the first time. If you are running with your child please wear the course coloured bib. In fairness to all runners for competitive events such as club champs and grand prix children must run independently and no one can ‘pace’ ie run alongside at any point in the event. Please ensure all family members especially older siblings are aware of this.
My child has special needs – can they run?
Everyone is welcome – please speak to a committee member or email and we can plan how to support and include your child.
The distance is too far for my child?
Please speak to a committee member – as they are developing their fitness children may choose to run a shorter course for part or all of the season. It is important to remember that all children develop at different rates – enjoyment and participation is most important. If your child runs a different course please let us know when you sign in for the run.
Why do I have to wear a coloured bib?
At club events each age group runs a different distance and course. The coloured bibs allow marshals, runners and spectators to see who is in which race. Remember you are only racing against those wearing the same colour as you - do not follow runners wearing a different colour – they may be running a different course.
What training is offered?
Refer to training section of our website
If I have an official complaint, commendation or suggestion who do I address?
Email jxcr@pakurangaathletics.nzor approach our Chair - Rodney Oxford
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